version ZephyrXstream version 3.2.0p, 2006-09-27 13:18, Mixer unit >>? * Built-in commands: Name.......: zaesin Parameter..: Group......: Zephyr-style Description: Select AES/EBU input mode Name.......: zaesout Parameter..: Group......: Zephyr-style Description: Select AES/EBU ouput mode. Name.......: zanswer Parameter..: [1|2]] Group......: Zephyr-style Description: Set RS232 baudrate. The additional number of stopbits is ignored. Name.......: zbitrate Parameter..: <56/32|64/32|56/48|64/48> Group......: Zephyr-style Description: Select line Bitrate/Sample rate in kbps/kHz, default: 56kbps/32kHz Name.......: zconn Parameter..: <1|2> or <1..50> Group......: Zephyr-style Description: Establish Zephyr-type ISDN connection on line 1 or 2 or activate a setup. Name.......: zdirec Parameter..: Group......: Zephyr-style Description: Set or delete MSN resp. DN number. Name.......: zdisc Parameter..: <1|2|B> Group......: Zephyr-style Description: Disconnect ISDN on line 1 or 2, or both Name.......: zlevel Parameter..: <-15 .. +4> Group......: Zephyr-style Description: Select analog/AESEBU input level in dB. Name.......: zlog Parameter..: [SYS|ISDN|IMON|SEXT|TIME|ITIM] Group......: Zephyr-style Description: Switch on a combination of logging channels. No parameter will switch off logging. Name.......: zloop Parameter..: Group......: Zephyr-style Description: Loop mode far, near or off, Default off Name.......: znetwork Parameter..: Group......: Zephyr-style Description: Select network: isdn, v35, v35hs, etherrtp,ethersip,isdnmodem,potsmodem Name.......: zreset Parameter..: - Group......: Zephyr-style Description: Reset Zephyr (warm boot). Name.......: zrxmode Parameter..: Group......: Zephyr-style Description: Select receive mode L3-mono, L3-stereo, G.722, Layer2 stereo, Layer2 24kHz, Layer2 mono, default: L3ST) Name.......: zsetup Parameter..: [<1..50>[<-|name []]] Group......: Zephyr-style Description: Display or define setup. Name.......: zspids Parameter..: Group......: Zephyr-style Description: Set or delete SPID number. Name.......: zstat Parameter..: - Group......: Zephyr-style Description: Zephyr Remote Stat information ... Name.......: ztelco Parameter..: Group......: Zephyr-style Description: Select ISDN switch type. Name.......: ztxmode Parameter..: Group......: Zephyr-style Description: Select transmit mode. Layer3: dual mono, stereo, joint stereo, G.722, Layer2: mono, mono 128/112kbps, dual stereo, joint stereo, mono 24kHz. Default: L3DU) Name.......: zver Parameter..: - Group......: Zephyr-style Description: Display version information. Name.......: ? Parameter..: 1: 2: 3: <'*'> Group......: Misc Description: Display list of available command & general help (1) or help for a given command (2) or a detailled list of all commands (3) Name.......: streamrcvstats Parameter..: Group......: Debug Description: Display stats about received stream, optionally reset Name.......: streamsndstats Parameter..: - Group......: Debug Description: Display stats about streams being sent out. Name.......: adreset Parameter..: <+|-> Group......: Debug Description: Switch stereo or mic board A/D reset line on or off. Name.......: aes Parameter..: - Group......: Audio Description: Select AES/EBU for audio input. Name.......: aesi Parameter..: - Group......: Status Description: Display info about AES/EBU receiver and transmitter chips. Name.......: aessrc Parameter..: Group......: Audio Description: Select AES/EBU output sample rate: 'int' uses the system sample rate and no sample rate conversion is applied, '48' converts to 48kHz, '44' to 44.1kHz, '32' to 32 kHz and 'rcv' to the sample rate of the AES/EBU receiver. Name.......: aestest Parameter..: - Group......: Test Description: Test AES/EBU input and output. Output must be connected directly to input in order to run the test successfully. Also, a 44.1 kHz signal (ie. from a CD player) must be connected to the SYNC input. Name.......: aesr Parameter..: <'t'|'r'> [count] Group......: Debug Description: Get one or more values from subsequent registers of tranmit/receive AES/EBU chip. Name.......: aesw Parameter..: <'t'|'r'> [...] Group......: Debug Description: Write values to subsequent register of tranmit/receive AES/EBU chip. Name.......: ancill Parameter..: <+|-> Group......: Misc Description: Switch on/off ancillary data transmission and receiption. Name.......: analog Parameter..: - Group......: Audio Description: Select A/D converter for audio input. Name.......: atdt Parameter..: [|nobreak] Group......: Misc Description: Enter or quit transparent RS232 ancillary data mode. To return to normal console mode enter '+++' respectively the optionally specified ESC character after a guard time of 1 second. You can specify 'nobreak' as a parameter in which case it will not be possible to escape from the transparent mode other than thru a telnet session or by rebooting the unit. Transparent mode cannot be entered from a Telnet session; however, it is possible to quit transparent RS232 mode from a Telnet session! Name.......: autoack Parameter..: <+|-> Group......: Misc Description: Switch on/off auto-acknowledge. If on the ColdFire will not issue a pmdump in case invalid memory is accessed. Name.......: autodial Parameter..: [ [ [codec|custom]]] or or ! If [custom], supply [] as per other commands Group......: Setup Description: Store autodial setup. The 'name' must not contain any spaces. Underscores will be converted to spaces. Enter a dash for the phone number if no call should be made. 'z' specifies a Zephyr-type call, 'v' a voice call, 'm' a modem call. 'codec' stores the codec settings along with the setup. If no parameter is specified all setups will be displayed. If 'erase!' is specified with a setup index it is erased. If the exclamation mark is specified the autodial is activated. If only 'index' is specified this setup will be displayed. Name.......: automodem Parameter..: <+|-> Group......: ISDN Description: Enable/disable 'auto-modem' feature. When enabled an incoming G.711 (POTS) call will automatically change the network mode from ISDN to ISDNmodem and vice versa for incoming ISDN data calls. Name.......: autoredial Parameter..: [] Group......: ISDN Description: Enable or disable the ISDN auto-redial feature. Maximum delay is 20 seconds, 0=off. Name.......: backlight Parameter..: <0..0x7F> Group......: Misc Description: Select the frontpanel LCD screen backlight. Name.......: badline Parameter..: - Group......: Misc Description: Show bad line dialog Name.......: bitrate Parameter..: <56|64> Group......: Codec Description: Choose bitrate per ISDN channel (in kbps). Name.......: buttonlock Parameter..: <+|-> Group......: Audio Description: Enables/disables frontpanel mixer button locking. Name.......: chipsel Parameter..: - Group......: Status Description: Display info about chip selects Name.......: circprt Parameter..: - Group......: Debug Description: Display and erase the contents of the circular debug print buffer. Name.......: codectest Parameter..: [] Group......: Debug Description: Test all coding modes one-by-one or test specified mode. Parameter 'r' restarts the test with the first mode. Name.......: contrast Parameter..: <0..0x7F> Group......: Misc Description: Select the frontpanel LCD screen contrast. Name.......: cs Parameter..: [task-name] Group......: Debug Description: Dump the call stack of the given or current task. Name.......: country Parameter..: [|'list'> Group......: Debug Description: Specify country name for analog modem calls, show current country or display a list of country names. Name.......: damute Parameter..: <0...0xF> Group......: Debug Description: Mute specified D/A channel(s) on stereo/mic board. Name.......: dds Parameter..: <+|-|f-Offset> Group......: Debug Description: Enable streaming DDS tracker (+) or set DDS to a fixed frequency offset. Name.......: dec Parameter..: [ancr|init|r|rlc|w ] Group......: Status Description: Display decoder status info or read ancillary (ancr) data or re-initialize access pointers (init) or read config table (r) or reset lost lock counter (rlc) or write value to table offset. Name.......: decomode Parameter..: Group......: Codec Description: Choose decoding algorithm. Name.......: delay Parameter..: Group......: Misc Description: Delay for the given amount of milli-seconds. Useful for batch commands. Name.......: dload Parameter..: > -or- < > Group......: Debug Description: Load DSP with loadset and initialize. Name.......: dmr Parameter..: 1: <'0'..'3'> [lines] 2: Group......: Debug Description: Read data from given DSP 0..3 memory address (1) or continue reading from previous address (2). To access memory bank X add 0x1000000 to the address. For Y add 0x2000000. DSP-4 is located on the mic board. Name.......: dmrm Parameter..: 1: <'0'..'3'> [] Group......: Debug Description: Read data from given address every 24 msec a number of times and print values. DSP-4 is located on the mic board. Name.......: dmw Parameter..: 1: <'0'..'4'> 2: Group......: Debug Description: Write a 24-bit value to given DSP 0..3 memory address (1) or continue writing to increasing addresses (2). To access memory bank X add 0x1000000 to the address. For Y add 0x2000000. DSP-4 is located on the mic board. Name.......: dsp Parameter..: <0..4> Group......: Debug Description: Reset the given DSP thru host port vector 0. Name.......: dsp2src Parameter..: Group......: Debug Description: Choose source for DSP-2 ESSI#1 input. Name.......: dtmf Parameter..: Group......: ISDN Description: Send DTMF tones to far end of a POTS connection or enable/disable DTMF tone transmission. Name.......: enc Parameter..: [ ] Group......: Debug Description: Display or set encoder settings. Commands affect: bitrate, sample rate down-sampling, channel mode, stereo mode, bandwidth, crc. Channel modes are: stereo, joint, dual, mono, monol, monor, double. Stereo modes are: none, is, ms, isms. CRC can be 0 or 1. Command 'r' reads the config table, 'w' writes a value to a given offset 'err' prints out the error info in P-memory, 'init' re-initializes host table pointers. Name.......: encomode Parameter..: Group......: Codec Description: Choose encoding algorithm. Name.......: eval Parameter..: ... Group......: Misc Description: Evaluate a numberical expression. Name.......: vars Parameter..: - Group......: Status Description: Display contents of available variables. Name.......: fpbaud Parameter..: Group......: Debug Description: Change the frontpanel serial baudrate. Name.......: fallback Parameter..: [seconds] Group......: Misc Description: Specify the time after modem connection during which modem renegotiations are allowed. After the timeout a renegotiation request will be ignored and the connection drops to hybrid mode. 0 disallows all renegotiation. Name.......: fpcheck Parameter..: - Group......: Test Description: Check all frontpanel buttons and knobs. Name.......: fpdump Parameter..: [] Group......: Misc Description: Dump out the contents of the currently visible frontpanel screen. This is the UU encoded version of the file TELOS.BMP. When a FTP server host name or IP is specified the data will be uploaded to this server under the name \pub\Screen.uue. Name.......: fplights Parameter..: <+|-> Group......: Test Description: Switch on/off all frontpanel LEDs and blacken the LCD screen. Name.......: fpread Parameter..: <+|-> Group......: Debug Description: Switch on/off logging of messages sent from frontpanel. 'dbg' logging must be enabled as well. Name.......: fpw Parameter..: []... Group......: Test Description: Write one or more bytes directly to the frontpanel. Name.......: g7 Parameter..: [] Group......: Codec Description: Control the G711 DSP-0. Display meters or set input level in absolute gain. Name.......: help Parameter..: 1: 2: 3: <'*'> Group......: Misc Description: Display list of available command & general help (1) or help for a given command (2) or a detailled list of all commands (3) Name.......: heapi Parameter..: [e] Group......: Status Description: Print some or extended (e) info on heap usage. Name.......: hpm Parameter..: 1: , 2: , 3: Group......: Debug Description: Adjust headphone volume of given headphone output for L/R channel (1) or both channels (2) or toggle mute (3) Name.......: ingain Parameter..: [<-15...+4>] Group......: Audio Description: Set input gain (in dB) for the stereo audio board. Name.......: info Parameter..: - Group......: Status Description: Display various information on the hardware settings. Name.......: ipmask Parameter..: [] Group......: FTP/Telnet Description: Enter IP mask or display current addresses. Decimal format is tried first. Name.......: ipgate Parameter..: [] Group......: FTP/Telnet Description: Enter gateway IP address or display current addresses. Decimal format is tried first. Name.......: ipdns Parameter..: [] Group......: FTP/Telnet Description: Enter DNS server IP address or display current addresses. Decimal format is tried first. Name.......: ipaddr Parameter..: [] Group......: FTP/Telnet Description: Enter IP address or display current addresses. Decimal format is tried first. Name.......: ipmac Parameter..: Group......: FTP/Telnet Description: Set the ethernet MAC address. Name.......: ipping Parameter..: [packet-size] Group......: FTP/Telnet Description: Ping remote host. Name.......: ipftpreadsetup Parameter..: Group......: Setup Description: Read setups from the FTP server under the given path. Name.......: ipftpsavesetup Parameter..: Group......: Setup Description: Store current setups on the FTP server under the given path. Name.......: iload Parameter..: - Group......: FTP/Telnet Description: Downlaod RAM image file and execute it. Name.......: ipftphost Parameter..: [] Group......: FTP/Telnet Description: Set or display the server that is used to download system and loadset software updates. Default is Name.......: ipupdate Parameter..: [] Group......: FTP/Telnet Description: Connect to FTP server name or IP address and download the specified system code file into the SIMM. Default is 'Image'. DO NOT SWITCH OFF UNIT DURING UPDATE!! Name.......: iptelnet Parameter..: [>| text>] Group......: FTP/Telnet Description: Dump statistics on current telnet sessions or shutdown the telnet session with given number or shutdown all sessions or send a message to a given session or all sessions. Telnet sesion numbers start with 1. Name.......: iptrusted Parameter..: [] Group......: FTP/Telnet Description: Specify a host name or IP addes (base 10) which is allowed to login thru Telnet and has the same rights as a RS232 session. Name.......: isdnautoans Parameter..: Group......: ISDN Description: Select ISDN autoanswer mode. Name.......: isdni Parameter..: [N|T] Group......: ISDN Description: Display status information of all lines. If option N is specified this will print all SPID and DN/MSN numbers. Option T displays call times. Name.......: isdnspid Parameter..: Group......: ISDN Description: Set or delete SPID number. Name.......: isdndn Parameter..: Group......: ISDN Description: Set or delete MSN resp. DN number. Name.......: isdnmsn Parameter..: Group......: ISDN Description: Set or delete MSN resp. DN number. Name.......: isdndisc Parameter..: [] Group......: ISDN Description: Disconnect call on given line. If no line is specified all calls will be disconnected. Name.......: isdnaccept Parameter..: Group......: ISDN Description: Accept incoming call on given line. Name.......: isdncall Parameter..: Group......: ISDN Description: Make outgoing call on given line. Name.......: isdntelco Parameter..: <5ESS|DMS100|NI1|Net3|Ins64> Group......: ISDN Description: Select ISDN telco type. Unit must be reset in order for the change to take effect. Name.......: ir Parameter..: Group......: Debug Description: Read onchip peripheral registers Name.......: iw Parameter..: ['w'|'l'] Group......: Debug Description: Write onchip peripheral registers Name.......: l3compat Parameter..: Group......: Codec Description: Select compatibility mode for L3 encoder and decoder: For normal operation set to 'zephyr'. To talk to a Dialog4 Slimline set to 'slimline'. Name.......: levelin Parameter..: Group......: Audio Description: Select consumer or professional level for analog inputs. Name.......: levelout Parameter..: Group......: Audio Description: Select consumer or professional level for analog outputs. Name.......: linequality Parameter..: [<0..10>] Group......: Misc Description: Select the desired minimum line quality for analog modem connections (0=default). Name.......: linestatus Parameter..: - Group......: Misc Description: Display ISDN or V.35 line status. Name.......: location Parameter..: [ [ [audio]]] or ! Group......: Misc Description: Store the current configuration as a location setup. If 'audio' is sepecified the current audio settings will be stored along with the setup. If no parameter is specified all location setups will be listed. If the exclamation mark is specified the location setup is activated. Name.......: loadweb Parameter..: [ >] Group......: Http Description: Erase loadweb and download all files via FTP (all!) or download loadweb names 'name' or display exisiting loadweb w/o argument. Name.......: loadset Parameter..: [|crc>] Group......: Setup Description: Erase loadset and download all files via FTP (all!) or download loadset names 'name' or display exisiting loadsets including a CRC32 checksum (crc) or display all loadsets (no argument). Name.......: log Parameter..: [] Group......: Misc Description: Switch on a combination of logging channels. No parameter will switch off logging. Name.......: logon Parameter..: [] Group......: Misc Description: Log into the command interpreter or change password. Use '-' to substitute for an empty password when changing. Name.......: login Parameter..: [] Group......: Misc Description: Log into the command interpreter or change password. Use '-' to substitute for an empty password when changing. Name.......: logout Parameter..: - Group......: Misc Description: Log off from the command interpreter. Name.......: logoff Parameter..: - Group......: Misc Description: Log off from the command interpreter. Name.......: loop Parameter..: [] Group......: Test Description: Toggle various loop modes. If no parameter is specified switch off all loop modes. Name.......: loop2 Parameter..: [astereo|amicshort|amiclong>] Group......: Misc Description: Select special loop modes. Name.......: maxstart Parameter..: [max modem bitrate] Group......: Misc Description: Selects the maximum bitrate that is used when negotiation starts. Default is 24000. Not stored in NVRAM. Name.......: maxrate Parameter..: [min modem bitrate] [max rate] Group......: Misc Description: Set the minimum and maximum modem bitrate. Maximum must be a multiple of 2400bps. Power on defaults: Minimum bitrate 19200bps, maximum 24000bps. Name.......: mc Parameter..: [w|l] Group......: Debug Description: Check given memory range for given byte/word/long word value. Stop if a different value has been found. Option 'w' and 'l' can specify word or long word values in that isn't obvious from the value itself. Name.......: mcmp Parameter..: Group......: Misc Description: Compared CPU memory regions. Name.......: meter Parameter..: <+|-> Group......: Misc Description: Switch on/off level meters. Name.......: miclowcut Parameter..: [ <+|->] Group......: Audio Description: Switch on/off the lowcut filter for the specified microphone input channel. Name.......: micphant Parameter..: [<+/->] Group......: Audio Description: Switch selected monitor to send audio, receive audio or both send and receive or off. Name.......: micprocess Parameter..: [ ] Group......: Audio Description: Select the processing type for the specified microphone input. Name.......: micpan Parameter..: [ <-10...+10>] Group......: Audio Description: Set the panning for the specified microphone input in case it is assigned to both input channels. -10 pans to the left, 10 pans to the right, 0 pans to the center. Name.......: micassign Parameter..: [ ] Group......: Audio Description: Assign the specified microphone input to the left, right, to both or no input channel. Name.......: micdsp Parameter..: - Group......: Debug Description: Print info on mixer-DSP settings. Name.......: micgain Parameter..: [<|A> ] Group......: Audio Description: Set mic board input sensitivity. If the microphone index is 'A' all inputs will be set to the given gain. Name.......: monimix Parameter..: [ ] Group......: Audio Description: Select source channel for either send or receive audio. L=left, R=right, M=mono left+right, S=stereo. Name.......: monipan Parameter..: [ <-10...10>] Group......: Audio Description: Select L/R balance for either send or receive audio. Name.......: monibalance Parameter..: [ <-10...10>] Group......: Audio Description: Select balance between send and receive audio. -10 enables send audio only, 10 enables receive audio only. Applies only if both send and receive are enabled for this monitor. Name.......: moniassign Parameter..: [ ] Group......: Audio Description: Switch selected monitor to send audio, receive audio or both send and receive or off. Name.......: modem Parameter..: [reset|aansw|log |info|route |maxbr |qbs |offhook|onhook|dtmf |dial []...] Group......: Debug Description: Data can be written as a message by spcifying a number of 24-bit words. 'aansw' goes offhook and answers a call in analog mode. 'reset' resets the V.34 modem. 'info' displays status information. 'route' can be used to connect the modem software to the Riser Card (riser) instead of the ISDN line (normal). This will also reload DSP-2 with the proper modem DSP code (either analog or ISDN Modem software). 'maxbr' can be used to restrict the connection speed to a given baudrate. 'q' query quality level. 'bs' can be used to override the automatically calculated transmit buffer size. 'offhook' put the analog line offhook. 'onhook' put the analog line onhook. 'dtmf' DTMF-dials a given number thru the analog modem software. 'dial' performs offhook operation and DTMF dials given number. When no parameter is given the 'StatusRequest' command will be issued to the DSP.The modem DSP code 'modem' and/or the AAC mono encoder and decoder will be loaded if not yet present! Make sure the 'modem' loadset code is the correct ISDN or analog modem code binary! Name.......: monoin Parameter..: <+|-> Group......: Audio Description: Switch audio going to the encoder to mono or stereo. Name.......: mf Parameter..: [w|l] Group......: Debug Description: Fill memory range with given byte, word or long word value. Option 'w' and 'l' can specify word or long word values in that isn't obvious from the value itself. Name.......: mr Parameter..: 1: 2: Group......: Debug Description: Dump CPU memory from given address (1) or continue from previous address (2) Name.......: mr1 Parameter..: 1: 2: Group......: Debug Description: Display CPU memory byte at given address (1) or continue from previous address (2) Name.......: mw Parameter..: []... Group......: Debug Description: Write one or more bytes to CPU memory Name.......: network Parameter..: Group......: Codec Description: Select the network type for bitstream I/O. Name.......: numbase Parameter..: > [def] Group......: Misc Description: Set default number base for number input. This affects only the current session. If 'def' is specified then this will be the default number base for all future sessions. Name.......: nvi Parameter..: - Group......: Debug Description: Print information on NVRAM status. Name.......: nvr Parameter..: [] Group......: Debug Description: Dump serial EEPROM contents starting with given address or continue dump from last address. Name.......: nvw Parameter..: []... Group......: Misc Description: Write one or more bytes to the serial EEPROM Name.......: perfo Parameter..: [r] Group......: Status Description: TTYprint reatime kernel performance info and reset statistics. Optionally reset statistics. Name.......: pmdump Parameter..: - Group......: Status Description: Dump out a stored pmdump log. Note that such a log is lost during power-down! Name.......: potspwr Parameter..: [0..31] Group......: Status Description: Set analog modem signal output power. 0=default (-13dBm), 1..31=-1..-31dBm Name.......: pp Parameter..: ['in' [val]|'out' [val]] Group......: Misc Description: Override incoming or outgoing parallel port values. Return to normal operation of 'val' is not specified. Read current input & output value if no parameter is given. Name.......: pptest Parameter..: - Group......: Test Description: Test the parallel port contact closures. A 1:1 loopback plug must be connected to the parallel port which loops back outputs to inputs in order for this test to work. Name.......: ppin Parameter..: [ ] or [] Group......: Misc Description: Select operation mode for selected parallel port input bit or switch all bits to 'end-to-end' mode. Name.......: ppout Parameter..: [ ] or [] Group......: Misc Description: Select operation mode for selected parallel port output bits or switch all outputs to 'off' or 'on' mode. Name.......: ppinv Parameter..: [+|-] Group......: Misc Description: Switch transparent parallel contact closures to normal/inverted mode. Name.......: readrcv Parameter..: [] Group......: Misc Description: Read the given number of bytes of the bitstream going to the decoder into a temporary buffer and then write the data to a FTP server into the specified file. Name.......: rcvout Parameter..: [+|-] Group......: Misc Description: Force Monitor 2 out to receive out and disable frontpanel selector button and Monitor 2 mix selection menus. Name.......: reset Parameter..: ['cold'|'pm'|'assert'|'fatal'|'loop'] Group......: Misc Description: Restart software by letting the watchdog bite. Option 'cold' forces a reset with global parameter reset. 'pm' trigger a pmdump due to access error. 'assert' calls TDEASSERTU, 'fatal' issues a reset by writing to fatal, 'loop' enters an endless loop and lets the watchdog bite. Name.......: resi Parameter..: - Group......: Debug Description: Display information on all existing resources and their owner Name.......: riser Parameter..: [<3210 [reg [val]]>|<3210i [reg [val]]>|<3034 [reg [val]]>] Group......: Debug Description: Display all Si3210/Si3210 indirect/Si3034 registers, display individual registers or write registers. Name.......: routi Parameter..: - Group......: Status Description: Display encoded data routing information. Name.......: rs232baud Parameter..: [] Group......: Misc Description: Select RS232 baud rate. Name.......: sfq Parameter..: <48|44|32> Group......: Codec Description: Choose system sampling frequency. Name.......: simm Parameter..: 1: 2: 'chiperase' 3: []... 4: 'erase' Group......: Debug Description: Display SIMM ID (1) or erase entire chip (2) or program 32-bit values (3) or erase a sector (4). Name.......: simmsyscopy Parameter..: - Group......: Debug Description: When running from the debug RAM this command copies the system code into SIMM bank0. NO SDS_DEBUGGER BREAKPOINTS MAY BE ENABLED !!! Name.......: split Parameter..: [w | ] Group......: Debug Description: Display splitter information. Name.......: store Parameter..: 1:> 2: 3: Group......: Misc Description: Store a command sequence in the batch memory (1) or delete all command sequences from batch memory (2) or delete a specified comand (3). Name.......: ta Parameter..: - Group......: Status Description: List task instance and stack addresses. Name.......: taskprio Parameter..: [] Group......: Status Description: Display and/or change the priority of a task. Name.......: ti Parameter..: [reset]|[] Group......: Status Description: TTYprint information about specific or all exisiting tasks. Name.......: time Parameter..: [current time|'get'] Group......: Misc Description: Display current system time and time difference to previous time command. If 'current time' is specified then it will be used to print out absolute time values in the ISDN log and in various other places. When 'get' is specified an Internet time server is queried for the current data & time. Name.......: timeri Parameter..: - Group......: Misc Description: Display information on system timers. Name.......: timezone Parameter..: [ [DST] [NTP server name]] Group......: Misc Description: Set the timezone in hours, the NTP server address or host name and optionally enable daylight savings time. This will NOT automatically update the system time! Name.......: unitid Parameter..: [ID string] Group......: Misc Description: Enter or display the unit's ID string. This string can arbitrarily be chosen by the user. Name.......: autodec Parameter..: [+|-] Group......: Debug Description: Enable or disable auto-bitstream detection task. Name.......: v35bitslip Parameter..: [<+|->] Group......: Codec Description: Enable or disable the dual-V.35 bit-slip buffer. Name.......: v35rate Parameter..: [96|112|128|256|384] Group......: Codec Description: Enter or display the V.35 highspeed encoder bitrate. Name.......: v35deco Parameter..: [l2|l3|aac|aacld] Group......: Codec Description: Enter or display the V.35 highspeed decoder algorithm. Name.......: v35enco Parameter..: [l2mono|l2stereo|l2joint|l3mono|l3stereo|l3joint|aacmono|aacstereo|aacjoint|aacldmono|aacldstereo|aacldjoint] Group......: Codec Description: Enter or display the V.35 highspeed encoder algorithm. Name.......: version Parameter..: 1: 2: <'e'> Group......: Status Description: TTYprint normal (1) or extended (2) version information. Name.......: zephcmds Parameter..: - Group......: Misc Description: Enable Zephyr-compatible commands. Name.......: levinfo Parameter..: Group......: Debug Description: Read level info for mixer Name.......: d0parm Parameter..: Group......: Debug Description: Load DSP 0 with audio parameters from FTP server. Name.......: xmtcfg Parameter..: [ <+|-> ] Group......: Debug Description: Choose modem xmt buffer size (def=10), downsampling (2x/1x) and audio bandwidth for AAC-LD encoder. Display settings when no parameter is specified. Name.......: scnt Parameter..: - Group......: Debug Description: Return the sample count and sample frequency from the FPGA. Name.......: aesout Parameter..: [<32|44|48|sync|aesin|codec> <32|44|48|sync|in> ] Group......: Debug Description: Toggle AES output sync mode forth an back between given modes. Without parameter the task is stopped. Name.......: test Parameter..: Group......: Debug Description: Test. Batch commands: >>micdsp Mic level X:000780: 000000 000000 000000 000000 Mic pan Y:000780: 400000 400000 000000 7FFFFF Mic atten X:000785: 000001 000001 000001 000001 Monitor 1 L X:00078A: 3FFFFF 000000 3FFFFF 000000 R Y:00078A: 000000 3FFFFF 000000 3FFFFF Monitor 2 L X:00078F: 3FFFFF 000000 3FFFFF 000000 R Y:00078F: 000000 3FFFFF 000000 3FFFFF Highpass X:000794: 000001 000001 000001 000001 Mic volume Y:000785: FFFF77 FFFF77 FFFF77 FFFF77 Clip Y:000794: 000000 000000 000000 000000 Mic 1 AGC X:00079E: 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 0009FA 000000 Lim Y:00079E: 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 Mic 2 AGC X:0007B2: 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 0001E3 000000 Lim Y:0007B2: 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 Mic 3 AGC X:0007A8: 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 00002C 000000 Lim Y:0007A8: 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 Mic 4 AGC X:0007BC: 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000043 000000 Lim Y:0007BC: 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 >>micgain Assign Gain Pan Processing Highpass Microphone 1: both Mic+30 +0 NoProcess off Microphone 2: both Mic+30 +0 NoProcess off Microphone 3: left LinePro +0 NoProcess off Microphone 4: right LinePro +0 NoProcess off Headphone 1: both Headphone 2: both Phantom power off >>ingai ? ERROR: Unknown command: ingai >>ingain ? Name.......: ingain Parameter..: [<-15...+4>] Description: Set input gain (in dB) for the stereo audio board. >>micgain mic+60 Bad parameter >>micgain mic+44 Bad parameter >>micgain +60 Bad parameter >>micgain ? Name.......: micgain Parameter..: [<|A> ] Description: Set mic board input sensitivity. If the microphone index is 'A' all inputs will be set to the given gain. >>micgain mic1 mic+60 Bad parameter >>mic1 mic+60 ERROR: Unknown command: mic1 >>micgain mic1 +60 Bad parameter >>micgain micq1 >>micgain micq >>micgain micq >>micgain mic >>micgain mic >>micgain mi >>micgain mi >>micgain m >>micgain m >>micgain >>micgain >>micgain >>micgain >>micgai >>micgai >>micga >>micga >>micg >>micg >>mic >>mic >>mi >>mi >>m >>m >> >> >>micgain mic1 ? Bad parameter >>micgani ? ERROR: Unknown command: micgani >>micgain ? Name.......: micgain Parameter..: [<|A> ] Description: Set mic board input sensitivity. If the microphone index is 'A' all inputs will be set to the given gain. >> mic1 lionepro ERROR: Unknown command: mic1 >>mic1 linepro ERROR: Unknown command: mic1 >>micgain linepro Bad parameter >>micgain mic1 linepro Bad parameter >>loop All loop modes off. >>v35enco ? Name.......: v35enco Parameter..: [l2mono|l2stereo|l2joint|l3mono|l3stereo|l3joint|aacmono|aacstereo|aacjoint|aacldmono|aacldstereo|aacldjoint] Description: Enter or display the V.35 highspeed encoder algorithm. >>v35enlo l2mono ERROR: Unknown command: v35enlo >>v35enco l2mono OK >>ZephyrXstream V3.2.0p, 2006-09-27 13:18 Welcomes untrusted to unit "Telos ZXS", hostname: zxs Enter '?' for help. >> >>login Telos Logged in with user rights. >>login lola Logged in with supervisor rights. >>dec Algo BitR SRint SRext DnSmp ChanMd Stereo Bandw CRC ErrCnt FrmCnt ErrVal OM 4 128250 48000 48000 1 stereo 0 -1 no 6 1402 FFFFFF 0 Meter: -14592 -13056 IOspeed=2 ErrLogCnt SynErrCnt ErrPtr CfgMemSpc CfgAddr 000007 000007 001017 000001 002A21 P:001010: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 000000 P:001018: 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 P:001020: 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 P:001028: 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 AncMode=-1 AncRate=0 AncBuf=X:$000E00 AncBufLen=256 AncRd=000E00 AncWr=000E00 Lost LOCKS: 0 Locked for: 0-00:00:29 >>loop All loop modes off. >>v35deco V.35 highspeed settings: Encoder: l2mono Decoder: aac Sample rate: 48000 Hz Bitrate: 128 Network : V.35 highspeed >>v35 en ERROR: Unknown command: v35 >>v35enco ? Name.......: v35enco Parameter..: [l2mono|l2stereo|l2joint|l3mono|l3stereo|l3joint|aacmono|aacstereo|aacjoint|aacldmono|aacldstereo|aacldjoint] Description: Enter or display the V.35 highspeed encoder algorithm. >>v35enco l3stereo OK >>v35enco ? Name.......: v35enco Parameter..: [l2mono|l2stereo|l2joint|l3mono|l3stereo|l3joint|aacmono|aacstereo|aacjoint|aacldmono|aacldstereo|aacldjoint] Description: Enter or display the V.35 highspeed encoder algorithm. >>v35enco aacstereo OK >>micgain ? Name.......: micgain Parameter..: [<|A> ] Description: Set mic board input sensitivity. If the microphone index is 'A' all inputs will be set to the given gain. >>micgain mic1 linepro Bad parameter >>micgain mic4 mic+30 Bad parameter >>micgain A mic+60 Bad parameter >>netwoer ERROR: Unknown command: netwoer >>network etherrtp Network type: Ethernet (RTP) >> >>network Network type: V.35 highspeed >>dec Algo BitR SRint SRext DnSmp ChanMd Stereo Bandw CRC ErrCnt FrmCnt ErrVal OM 4 0 32000 44100 1 stereo -1 -1 no -1 0 FFFFFF 0 Meter: -1 -1 IOspeed=2 ErrLogCnt SynErrCnt ErrPtr CfgMemSpc CfgAddr 0003D7 0003D7 001027 000001 002A21 P:001010: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 P:001018: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 P:001020: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 P:001028: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 AncMode=-1 AncRate=0 AncBuf=X:$000E00 AncBufLen=256 AncRd=000E00 AncWr=000E00 Lost LOCKS: 4 Unlocked >> >> >> >> >>d3ec ERROR: Unknown command: d3ec >>dec Algo BitR SRint SRext DnSmp ChanMd Stereo Bandw CRC ErrCnt FrmCnt ErrVal OM 4 0 32000 44100 1 stereo -1 -1 no -1 0 FFFFFF 0 Meter: -1 -1 IOspeed=2 ErrLogCnt SynErrCnt ErrPtr CfgMemSpc CfgAddr 0003FB 0003FB 00102B 000001 002A21 P:001010: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 P:001018: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 P:001020: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 P:001028: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 AncMode=-1 AncRate=0 AncBuf=X:$000E00 AncBufLen=256 AncRd=000E00 AncWr=000E00 Lost LOCKS: 4 Unlocked >>v35deco V.35 highspeed settings: Encoder: aacstereo Decoder: aac Sample rate: 48000 Hz Bitrate: 128 Network : V.35 highspeed >>v35deco V.35 highspeed settings: Encoder: aacstereo Decoder: aac Sample rate: 48000 Hz Bitrate: 128 Network : V.35 highspeed >>netework ERROR: Unknown command: netework >>network Network type: V.35 highspeed >>dec Algo BitR SRint SRext DnSmp ChanMd Stereo Bandw CRC ErrCnt FrmCnt ErrVal OM 4 0 32000 44100 1 stereo -1 -1 no -1 0 FFFFFF 0 Meter: -1 -1 IOspeed=2 ErrLogCnt SynErrCnt ErrPtr CfgMemSpc CfgAddr 000508 000508 001018 000001 002A21 P:001010: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 P:001018: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 P:001020: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 P:001028: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 AncMode=-1 AncRate=0 AncBuf=X:$000E00 AncBufLen=256 AncRd=000E00 AncWr=000E00 Lost LOCKS: 4 Unlocked >>sfq 48 OK >>de >>de >>dec Algo BitR SRint SRext DnSmp ChanMd Stereo Bandw CRC ErrCnt FrmCnt ErrVal OM 4 0 32000 44100 1 stereo -1 -1 no -1 0 FFFFFF 0 Meter: -1 -1 IOspeed=2 ErrLogCnt SynErrCnt ErrPtr CfgMemSpc CfgAddr 000542 000542 001012 000001 002A21 P:001010: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 P:001018: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 P:001020: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 P:001028: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 AncMode=-1 AncRate=0 AncBuf=X:$000E00 AncBufLen=256 AncRd=000E00 AncWr=000E00 Lost LOCKS: 4 Unlocked >> >>v35deco V.35 highspeed settings: Encoder: aacstereo Decoder: aac Sample rate: 48000 Hz Bitrate: 128 Network : V.35 highspeed >>dec Algo BitR SRint SRext DnSmp ChanMd Stereo Bandw CRC ErrCnt FrmCnt ErrVal OM 4 0 32000 44100 1 stereo -1 -1 no -1 0 FFFFFF 0 Meter: -1 -1 IOspeed=2 ErrLogCnt SynErrCnt ErrPtr CfgMemSpc CfgAddr 00058B 00058B 00101B 000001 002A21 P:001010: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 P:001018: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 P:001020: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 P:001028: 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 010501 AncMode=-1 AncRate=0 AncBuf=X:$000E00 AncBufLen=256 AncRd=000E00 AncWr=000E00 Lost LOCKS: 4 Unlocked >>v35enco V.35 highspeed settings: Encoder: aacstereo Decoder: aac Sample rate: 48000 Hz Bitrate: 128 Network : V.35 highspeed >>! ? ERROR: Unknown command: ! >>v35enco ? Name.......: v35enco Parameter..: [l2mono|l2stereo|l2joint|l3mono|l3stereo|l3joint|aacmono|aacstereo|aacjoint|aacldmono|aacldstereo|aacldjoint] Description: Enter or display the V.35 highspeed encoder algorithm. >>v35enco l2joint OK >>v35enco l2stereo OK >>v35enco l3stereo OK >>interface ERROR: Unknown command: interface >>network Network type: V.35 highspeed >>bitrate ? Name.......: bitrate Parameter..: <56|64> Description: Choose bitrate per ISDN channel (in kbps). >>v35rate ? Name.......: v35rate Parameter..: [96|112|128|256|384] Description: Enter or display the V.35 highspeed encoder bitrate. >>v35rate V.35 highspeed settings: Encoder: l3stereo Decoder: aac Sample rate: 48000 Hz Bitrate: 128 Network : V.35 highspeed >>v35bitslip Single-V.35 bit-slip buffer is disabled >>v35bitslip + Single-V.35 bit-slip buffer is enabled >>v35bitslip + >>v35bitslip >>v35bitslip - Single-V.35 bit-slip buffer is disabled >>scny >>scn >>scnt Count....: 49171048 >>ZephyrXstream V3.2.0p, 2006-09-27 13:18 Welcomes untrusted to unit "Telos ZXS", hostname: zxs Enter '?' for help. >> >>login Telos Logged in with user rights. >>login lola Logged in with supervisor rights. >>v35enco V.35 highspeed settings: Encoder: l3stereo Decoder: aac Sample rate: 48000 Hz Bitrate: 128 Network : V.35 highspeed >>v35enco aacstereo OK >>loop v35 v35 loop is on >>loop All loop modes off. >>v35enco l3stereo OK >>loop v35 v35 loop is on >>loop All loop modes off. >>v35enco aacstereo OK >>v35deco ? Name.......: v35deco Parameter..: [l2|l3|aac|aacld] Description: Enter or display the V.35 highspeed decoder algorithm. >>v35deco l3 OK >> >>dec Algo BitR SRint SRext DnSmp ChanMd Stereo Bandw CRC ErrCnt FrmCnt ErrVal OM 3 128000 48000 48000 0 stereo 0 -1 yes -1 58 FFFFFF -1 Meter: -12288 -10368 IOspeed=2 ErrLogCnt SynErrCnt ErrPtr CfgMemSpc CfgAddr 000001 000001 001011 000001 001AEF P:001010: 010501 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 P:001018: 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 P:001020: 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 P:001028: 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 AncMode=2 AncRate=0 AncBuf=X:$001800 AncBufLen=512 AncRd=001800 AncWr=001800 Lost LOCKS: 3 Locked for: 0-00:00:01 >>