Z netu 4552 do 3CX https://www.3cx.com/community/threads/make-config-file-for-patton-4552.3409/ #----------------------------------------------------------------# # # # SN4552/2BIS/EUI # # R3.21 2007-01-23 SIP # # 2007-12-14T15:48:16 # # Generated configuration file # # # #----------------------------------------------------------------# cli version 3.20 gui type basic administrator administrator password password clock local offset +01:00 dns-client server dns-relay webserver port 80 language en sntp-client sntp-client server primary time.ien.it port 123 version 4 system hostname patton system ic voice 0 profile acl ACL_WAN_PERMIT_ALL_MGMT permit 1 ip any any profile acl ACL_WAN_PERMIT_SEL_MGMT deny 1 tcp any any eq 23 deny 2 tcp any any eq 80 deny 3 udp any any eq 161 permit 4 ip any any profile acl ACL_WAN_BLOCK_ALL_MGMT deny 1 tcp any any eq 23 deny 2 tcp any any eq 80 deny 3 udp any any eq 161 permit 4 ip any any profile service-policy SP_WAN_OUT rate-limit 100000 header-length 18 voice-margin 0 source traffic-class local-voice priority source traffic-class default priority profile service-policy SP_WAN_IN rate-limit 100000 header-length 18 voice-margin 200 source traffic-class local-voice priority source traffic-class default queue-limit 4 profile napt NAPT_WAN profile ppp default profile call-progress-tone US_DIAL_TONE play 1 0 350 -13 440 -13 profile call-progress-tone US_RB_TONE play 1 2000 440 -19 480 -19 pause 2 4000 profile call-progress-tone US_BUSY_TONE play 1 500 480 -24 620 -24 pause 2 500 profile call-progress-tone US_CONGESTION_TONE play 1 250 480 -24 620 -24 pause 2 250 profile tone-set default profile tone-set Europe profile tone-set UnitedStates map call-progress-tone dial-tone US_DIAL_TONE map call-progress-tone ringback-tone US_RB_TONE map call-progress-tone busy-tone US_BUSY_TONE map call-progress-tone release-tone US_BUSY_TONE map call-progress-tone congestion-tone US_CONGESTION_TONE profile voip default codec 1 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20 codec 2 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20 profile voip VOIP codec 1 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20 codec 2 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20 dejitter-mode static dejitter-max-delay 120 profile voip VOIP-ASTERISK codec 1 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20 codec 2 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20 codec 3 g729 rx-length 20 tx-length 20 codec 4 g723-6k3 rx-length 30 tx-length 30 dejitter-max-delay 200 profile pstn default profile sip default profile dhcp-server DHCPS_LAN network include 1 lease 2 hours default-router 1 domain-name MYDOMAIN.COM domain-name-server 1 profile aaa default method 1 local method 2 none context ip router interface IF_IP_WAN ipaddress dhcp use profile acl ACL_WAN_PERMIT_ALL_MGMT in use profile service-policy SP_WAN_IN in use profile service-policy SP_WAN_OUT out use profile napt NAPT_WAN tcp adjust-mss rx 582 tcp adjust-mss tx 1440 interface IF_IP_LAN ipaddress icmp router-discovery no napt-inside interface WAN ipaddress dhcp tcp adjust-mss rx mtu tcp adjust-mss tx mtu interface LAN ipaddress unnumbered icmp router-discovery context ip router route 0 subscriber ppp SUB_PPPOE dial out authentication chap authentication pap bind interface IF_IP_WAN router context cs switch national-prefix 0 international-prefix 00 routing-table called-e164 RT_SPEED_DIAL route T dest-table RT_NR_BLOCKING MT_SPEED_DIAL routing-table called-e164 RT_NR_BLOCKING route default dest-table RT_CALL_ROUTING MT_SET_CNPN routing-table called-e164 RT_CALL_ROUTING route default dest-service SER_HG_PSTN_FALLBACK routing-table called-e164 RT_INCOMING route default dest-interface IF_S0_01 MT_NR_TRANSLATION mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MT_SPEED_DIAL mapping-table calling-e164 to calling-e164 MT_SET_CNPN mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MT_NR_TRANSLATION interface isdn IF_S0_00 route call dest-table RT_INCOMING use profile tone-set Europe interface isdn IF_S0_01 route call dest-table RT_SPEED_DIAL use profile tone-set Europe isdn-date-time interface isdn IF_DEV0 interface isdn IF_1 route call dest-interface IF_3CX interface isdn IF_2 use profile tone-set Europe isdn-date-time interface sip IF_SIP_SERVICE service default address-translation outgoing-call from-header user-part fix 80 host-part call interface sip IF_3CX bind gateway GW_3CX service default route call dest-interface IF_1 early-disconnect remote-party-id called-party remote-party-id calling-party address-translation outgoing-call to-header user-part fix 10002 host-part interface address-translation incoming-call called-e164 request-uri service hunt-group SER_HG_PSTN_FALLBACK timeout 6 drop-cause normal-unspecified drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available drop-cause network-out-of-order drop-cause temporary-failure drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion drop-cause access-info-discarded drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available drop-cause resources-unavailable drop-cause no-route-to-destination route call 1 dest-interface IF_SIP_SERVICE route call 2 dest-interface IF_S0_00 context cs switch no shutdown gateway sip GW_3CX bind interface IF_IP_LAN router service default defaultserver manual 5060 loose-router registration-lifetime 500 registration manual user 10002 authenticate password password register display-name 10002 gateway sip GW_3CX no shutdown gateway sip GW_SIP call-signaling-port 5062 service default gateway sip GW_SIP no shutdown port ethernet 0 0 bind interface IF_IP_WAN router bind interface WAN router pppoe session SES_PPPOE bind subscriber SUB_PPPOE shutdown port ethernet 0 0 no shutdown port ethernet 0 1 bind interface IF_IP_LAN router no shutdown port bri 0 0 clock auto encapsulation q921 q921 permanent-layer2 protocol pmp uni-side user encapsulation q931 q931 protocol dss1 uni-side user encapsulation cc-isdn bind interface IF_1 switch port bri 0 0 no shutdown port bri 0 1 clock auto encapsulation q921 q921 protocol pmp uni-side auto encapsulation q931 q931 protocol dss1 uni-side net encapsulation cc-isdn bind interface IF_S0_01 switch port bri 0 1 shutdown